Jo and I were asked to run workshops at the annual Western New York Book Arts Center Book Fest, which sure sounded like a lot of fun, given that most of our family is in the Buffalo area. While the grown ups were off making prints with a steamroller (read more about it here), Jo set up her new little press outside and enjoyed a little celebrity.
Many kids came through in the morning and gave the little press a shot. It's so easy that the prints were successful and fun! And given our location, we found the appropriate type amongst the vast collection at WNYBAC.
Happy customers!
Did we say kids? Because grown ups tried it, too.
Jo's cousin Adam came down for a while and he had a blast making prints, too.
Jo (and all the kids and grown ups) had a chance to try her hand at making paper as well, which she loved.
Book Fest was a success! If only we could have ridden the bike there... 674 miles is a long way to go. Thanks to WNYBAC for having us!